11 Desember 2009


HUAHHHHH! KERENN pertama x nya gue bisa bwa mobil, first time i drive my boyfriend's car is about yariss, it's very easy to drive it, i think it can be very very very hard to drive a car, but for a while a ask my boyfriend to give me time to take his car for a while then he give me.. after that i try to drive it slowly than i trun right go straight than turn right and go straight and turn right again, wow AWSOME! i never think that i can drive a car for that quickly! than i tell to my mom that i can drive a car after go home, than today THIS DAY i drive my mom's car to go to SCHOOL, WOOHOO! exactly i can drive it very easily, HAHAHAHA! *THANKS TO MY BOY TO TEACH ME HOW TO DRIVE :))

06 Desember 2009


OH GOD! exam kok cpet banget si? gila bisa mati gue, bis ini tar ad try out lg, ud gtu US ud gtu UAS ud gtu Up uda gtu UN, ud gtu gue lulus, HAHA
gila da cpet bget gue ud mau SMA pdhal dlu gue brsa bru msuk smp, SMP 1 msamsa dmna gue kek ank oon yg pake jaket tiap snen rabu, ahaha
skrg? gue ud mau pake putih abu2, AMIN GUE LULUS :)
mudah2an exam gue bsok berjalan dgan lancar, abis exam liburan gue mau ngpain yah? i want do anything i want so i must study hard for my exam to get very good scroe and make my parents HAPPY to me, AMINN ~

01 Desember 2009

alergi or something?

OH GODD! gue alergi ato knp si? MASA GUE ALERGI UDANG? gue kn suka udang sangat amat teramat, huhuhu TT
kaki gue gtel2 mlu dua2 bagian jempol sma telunjuk, trus tdi pas jaga protary futmatch di skolah tangan gue jga ud mulai gatel2 lg, ya tuhan gue itu alergi ap si sbnernya? dlu gue mkan udang bnyak2 jga ga knp2, kok skrg? malah jdi alergi, apa ga slah tuh? SHIT BANGET!
gue ga mau sampe alergi udang, gue suka udang, tempura, all about shrimp! anyway gue sma sx blm pernah nyobain lobster, katanya si enk wktu itu pernah mau nyoba tapi katanya ga ad daging ny? is that really? haahha
kalo gtu gue msti telusuri sendiri bner ga ad daging or not, anyway DOAIN KAKI GUE CPET SMBUH DARI GATEL! AMIN! AMIN! AMIN!