29 Januari 2010

song of sad, it's very very perfect and ot's a good song


Another summer day
Is come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know
And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
“I’m fine baby, how are you?”
Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aerorplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I’ve got to go home
Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home
And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
But this was not your dream
But you always believe in me
Another winter day has come
And gone away
And even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home
And I’m surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
Oh, let go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
Let me go home
I’ve had my run
Baby, I’m done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It will all right
I’ll be home tonight
I’m coming back home

20 Januari 2010

klepto password fb !

pertama gue knal sma tuh org namanya kenzy, bahkan kita kenalan pun engga, hanya sebatas tau menau tentang nama, trus dia tiba2 ngasih gtu aja no gue k temen dia yg namanya moris. otomatis cewe mana sih yg mau gtu aj no dia di bagi2 ke org? otomatis gue tnya dong ke dia, gue ksih wall bla..bla..bla.. eh dia blesnya kek nyolot2 gtu, gue nyolotin balik.  EHHHHH gue off, trus engko gue dgn SEENAK JIDATNYA BUKA FB GUE tanpa sepengetahuan gue, trus kasih wall ke dia, dgn tulisan klo gue tuh bae2in dia, ANJING BANGET GA SIH NKO GUE? BANCI DASAR! KEPO PULA! uda gtu, pas gue blg bukan gue yg tulisa tuh wall, eh dia mlah ngatain geu cibai? lu bayangin ?! siapa lu siapa gue? tiba2 mlah ngatain gue cibai, ANJING BANGET GA TUH kenzyy? bukan salah gue dong? gue kn cuma tanya bae2 mksdnya apa kasih no gue e tmennya, eh dia ujung2nya mlah ngatain gue cibai. LANGSUNG GUE REMOVE DARI FRIEND GUE

16 Januari 2010

you're beautiful series

filmnya lucu, yg amen juga cakep, yg paling gue suka JEREMY alias LEE HONG KI cakeppnya bukan maen, hahahahha. di filmnya ceritanya dia tuh jdi cowo yg imutimut gtu deh, trus agak bloon, bego2 gtu deh, trus di sayang sma2 kakakny mskipun bkan kakak kandung tpi uda di anggep kek kakak, trus sifatnya kek ank kecil, gaya nya keren abis di filmnya, HUAAA coba gue artis korea, gue sambet lgsg, ahhahahha !

precious song! LOVE IT!

this is his first performance at jakarta especially at DAHSYAT. check this ou >> sandy sandoro - malam biru (kasihku)
sandy sandoro first performance at dahsyatt

12 Januari 2010

this is song might be dedicated to me (it's perfectly same as my life)


If i walk, would you run?
If i stop, would you come?
If i say you're the one, would you believe me?
If i ask you to stay, would you show me the way?
Tell me what to say so you don't leave me.  
The world is catching up to you
While you're running away to chase your dream
It's time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to change
And maybe i'm not ready
Chorus :
But I'll try for your love
I can hide up above
I will try for your love
We've been hiding enough
If i sing you a song, would you sing along?
Or wait till i'm gone, oh how we push and pull
If i give you my heart would you just play the part
Or tell me it's the start of something beautiful.
Am i catching up to you?
While your running away to chase your dreams
It's time for us to face the truth cause we are coming to each other to change
And maybe i'm not ready
Chorus :
But I'll try for your love
I can hide up above
I will try for your love
We've been hiding enough
I will try for your love
I can hide up above 2x
huh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh huhhh
If i walk would you run
If i stop would you come
If i say you're the one would you believe me

08 Januari 2010

one day travel at TA and CP

this is my one day travel to TA with a new friends richo,and the two other girls I dunno what is her name, ahahaha! yaa asik lah, lumayan yg tdinya kek org gila nyari taksi mpe kena grimis dkit bareng ai sma nko gue, trus si cinq yg uda jamuran tgguin kta b3 di rumahnya, wakakka
yg tdinya mau brgkat jm 11an lwat eh mlah jm 1an, yg tdinya mau ntn jm 12 eh ntn jm14.25 yaa ga jdi ntn 2x dehh, rncannya mau ntn sherlock holmes jm 12.00 habis jm 14.25 lanjut ntn the princess and the frog jm 14.55-17.05 EH CANCEL! BATALL! gara2 ke'ngaretan gue b3, bruakakakak! but it's fun, really! foto sih ga banyak, wkakaka. yaa mumpung gue bru kenal richo jdi buat foto yg ada 20an lebih uda ckup buat gueh, tar klo ud lama da tuh 100an lbh AJIBB GAN! AHAHAHAHA

07 Januari 2010

new song of taylor swift


Say you're sorry
That face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to
As I paced back and forth all this time
Cause I honestly believed in you
Holding on
The days drag on
Stupid girl,
I should have known, I should have known

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around

Baby I was naive,
Got lost in your eyes
And never really had a chance
My mistake, I didn't wanna be in love
You had to fight to have the upper hand
I had so many dreams
About you and me
Happy endings
Now I know

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around

And there you are on your knees,
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm sooo sorry

Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, that was a small town
There in my rearview mirror disappearing now
And its too late for you and your white horse
Now its too late for you and your white horse, to catch me now

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
Try and catch me now
Oh, it's too late
To catch me now


oohh myy mammiii ....... ! lihat  masa dia suruh nko gue yg k2 skolah bisnis? uda gtu bisnisnya mau univ di xiamen biar dket sama taiwan biar bisa jadi artis sekalian, HAHAHAHA emak emak pemikiranmu itu lucu sx mak! tapi kata nko gue bgusan di kuliahan tmp dia look >> http://www.eduniversal.com/business-school-ranking/country/china/46 << itu adalah web buat liat sekolah bisnis ke tmp nko gue, ckckckc. gue mah tggal terima perginya nko gue aj da, ngpain gue ngikut2 urusin dia mau kuliah apa? toh geu aj bgung mau kuliah apa ntar, ahahahha. knp si jaman skrg anknya tuh selalu dan MUSTI ke china buat belajar? gue pgennya ke aussie, at least sxan pgen dapet suami veteran gitu kek nci gue, huaaa suaminya COOL MAMPOES ABESS! tapi yah klo china si okelah cuma i don't think so, hahahaha. so klo ga mau repot kuliah di BSI AJA (kek iklan) HAHAHAHA!

06 Januari 2010

a twiitter accoun picture

look it's so cute, yang buat jago deh, gue suka banget gambarnya, ahahhaha org GERMAN hebat yee!

my online account

skype >> inkainka304
tweet >> inkangela
fb >> ms.ndud@hotmail.co.uk
ym >> kakha_ngel@yahoo.com
msn >> ms.ndud@hotmail.co.uk
plurk >> cilukba
blogger >> http://bocahkecil-lalulalang.blogspot.com/
formspring.me >> http://www.formspring.me/inkangela

check out your online account and follow me guys! see ya!

05 Januari 2010


look! betapa sayangnya gue sama visi candana, tapi kok mlah ga dibolehin pindah ke provi si buat SMP ? payah ih satio (panggilan bapaknya visi) !
anak tuh jangan dijadiin kek laki dong, rmbut di ptg pndek trus, kn kasian! dia kn mau cantik juga kek eke, ahahhaa! aduh VISI gue mau lu pindah k provi, tar tggal bareng gue, di kamar gue, biar ada temen gtu, sama ada ADE jga gue nya, g kn ank bungsu noh, jdi kepengen dong punya dedek, ap lagi g kn sayang sama lu, kmna2 gue ajk, ahahahah! SO paksa kek biar pindah kesni, payah ih dasar krempeng! AHAHHA *canda ya visi =P


kata2 comotan

B to the U to the double L to the S to the H to the I to the T !!

lihat gue dapet tuh kata2 hasil comot dari fb org, HAHAHAHA! ga kreatip banget yah gue? abis drtdi pagi gue ga ada kerjaan, gue kutakkatik aj fb org, liat2 eh ktmu, huehuee. besok gue uda msuk skola lg, asik ktmu temen! uda lama ga ktmu mereka dan ngerumpi bareng, at least ktmu mantan gue juga, haha. no problem lah, gue kn ptus bae2 toh gue yg ptusin jangan gitulah ka jgn musuh2an tar kek vero sama rio lagi,kek tikus dan kucing HAHAHA
so gue drtdi pagi cuma gini2 aj, ol tweet yg ol cuma patsy, halah patsy gebetan nko gue mantanny tukul RAWR! bosen yee tmen online gue gitu2 aja == kepengen nyari yg baru eh males 'intro' nya HAHA bnyak mau nya yah gue? HAHA at least gue dapet kata2 lagi dri blog org, HAHA >> somethimes a person lets go just because their fingers are too tired of holding on. they'll always love you though, no matter what. BAGUS YAH? like it banget gue (:

look what ive got

LOOK LOOK! i just bought it at gaudi, it seems like a korean style in 'my fair lady movie'. i just had the jeans, but actually i still have to buy more things like shoes,sandals,bag,shirt,pants,blasser,heels,tanktop,and more more more.

03 Januari 2010


senengnya newyear'an di puncak, hahaha emg si pertamanya tuh bosen banget tapi yah makin lama makin ngerasain makin yahut, HAHAHAH
pas tgl 31 pas malemnya tuh behh DASYAT BANGETT org2 pada berkumpul uda kek semut gue liat d depan villa gue, ckckck bener2 hari2 yg seru, uda gtu bokap geu beli kembang apai yg 1 dug isinya 12 biji yg GEDEGEDE BANGET dan akhirnya semua pada ngeliatain kembang api bokap gue bukan kembang api dari greenhill (tmp gue nginep) HAHAHAHA asikasik kekny tuh punya bkap gue paling gede, trus ada lg yg ikut2an ga mau klah dia makin banyak makin banyak trus2an yah akhirnya klah juga guenya, AHHAHAH
oke that's my newyeareve for 2009 t0 2010 thanks all to read my blog (: